Botanical name - Asparagus officinalis L.
Family- Liliaceae
Chromosome no - 2n=20
Asparagus farming involves the cultivation of the asparagus plant, which is a perennial vegetable with edible shoots. The plant is native to most of Europe, northern Africa, and western Asia, and is grown for its shoots, which are harvested and eaten as a vegetable.
There are two main types of asparagus plants: male and female. Male plants tend to produce thicker, more flavorful shoots, but they also require more maintenance and are more prone to pests and diseases. Female plants produce thinner shoots that are less flavorful, but they are generally hardier and require less maintenance.
Asparagus plants are typically grown from crowns, which are small, dormant plants that are planted in the ground. The crowns are usually planted in trenches that are about 8 inches deep, and the plants are spaced about 18 inches apart. As the plants grow, they produce shoots that emerge from the ground and grow into tall, slender stalks.
Asparagus plants require well-draining soil that is rich in organic matter, and they prefer a pH level between 6.5 and 7.5. They also need plenty of sunlight and regular watering, although they are generally drought-tolerant once established.
Asparagus plants take several years to mature and reach their full production potential. During the first year, the plants are allowed to grow and establish their root systems. In the second year, a few shoots may be harvested, but the plants are mainly allowed to grow and develop. By the third year, the plants are typically ready to be harvested on a larger scale.
Asparagus shoots are typically harvested by hand, using a sharp knife or asparagus spear to cut the shoots just above the soil line. The shoots are then washed and packed for shipping or storage. Asparagus plants can continue to produce shoots for up to 20 years, although the yields tend to decline over time
There is no the exact origin of Asparagus but it is believed that gardening of Asparagus start in the eastern part of the world. Its name was taken from ancient Greek which means "all tender shoots". It started to be cultivated 2000 years ago and is still cultivated in Europe, America, and the central part of Asia. There are around 200 varieties but only 20 of them are considered to be safe for eating.
It is a herbaceous perennial plant with an erect branched stem growing to 1-4 m in height. It is also known as ' kurilo ' in Nepal and 'satavar' in Hindi. It turned into being grown in English gardens in 1534.
In the 16th century, asparagus changed into served withinside the royal courts of Europe, however, withinside the eighteenth century, asparagus made its look withinside the nearby marketplace and in severe culinary works. Once asparagus begins off evolved producing, it maintains to offer monetary yield for 10–15 years. The countries like the United States of America, China, Germany, Spain, and France have a big location beneath neath this crop especially inexperienced types, at the same time as the white types are cultivated particularly in Europe. It has a good capacity for export as a clean vegetable. In India, the location and manufacturing of asparagus are negligible. It is likewise called the Queen of Herbs withinside the Ayurvedic machine of medication because it promotes
love and loyalty.
Asparagus contains a high amount of Calcium, phosphorous, and Vitamin C and is a source of high energy also. It also contains a large amount of phosphorous.
water | 91.7 | Potassium (mg) | 278 |
carbohydrates | 5.0 | Iron (mg) | 1.0 |
protein | 2.5 | Zinc (mg) | 0.54 |
fat | 0.2 | Thiamine (mg) | 0.18 |
Dictary fibre | 2.1 | Riboflavin (mg) | 0.2 |
calcium | 22.0 | Vitamin C (mg) | 33 |
phosphorous | 62 | Energy (kcal) | 20 |
There are tons of Medicinal benefits of Asparagus some of them are It revitalizes bladder function, helps in cases of oedema and swollen joints,
and protects small blood vessels from rupturing. It can also be used as an aphrodisiac. It is an excellent remedy for those suffering from the retention of liquids. Its stalks have high antioxidant properties,
and its high dietary fibre content makes it a good laxative. According to the reports published in different journals, it can be used in the treatment and prevention of various types of tumors. It can also
be used to balance the levels of hormones in females, promote fertility and help pregnant women
against neural tube defects in babies.
Asparagus is a high-demandable and high-value vegetable that is harvested in early Summer. It can be cultivated around 15-25 °c. In about 60-90 days we can get the best out of Asparagus and its high production. Temperature plays a vital role in the flowering and planting of Asparagus. It needs the right amount of water daily and the proper sunlight for photosynthesis. The suitable temperature for the germination of its seeds comes to around 25-30 °c.
PH = 6.0-6.7
SOIL= sandy, silt loam, or alluvial soil with a high amount of organic matter.
It must get the proper facilities of drainage.
It varies with the climate condition and the type of soil. The right time to sow Asparagus in the Hilly region is from March to May and In the Terai region from June to November. The seed will germinate in about 3-4 weeks.
Firstly, the seed is soaked in water for around 24 hours and placed in a prepared bed in a space of around 3-4 cm apart. They are kept at a temperature of around 24° for good germination of plants. It will take almost one and a half years to get these ready to eat or for commercial purposes. It will need the right amount of nutrients and Irrigation.
It is a very expensive vegetable and considers to be a very high energy source so it is demandable every time with Asparagus farming you can earn a huge amount. Its price of 1 KG is 15 dollars. That is why it is also called the king of vegetables.
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To know more about Asparagus click here