New Zealand Spinach
Botanical name - Tetragonia tetragoniodes L.
Family - Aizoaceae
Chromosome no - 2n =32
New Zealand spinach was originated from the island of New Zealand. for almost 300 to 400 years it was only transported to Australia and Newzealand. New Zealand spinach, also known as Botany Cook’s cabbage, bay spinach, sea spinach, everbearing spinach, everlasting spinach, perpetual spinach, Warringal greens, tetragon, and Della Nuova Zelanda, is a leafy groundcover vegetable and is an evergreen perennial plant in cold climate but widely grown as an annual herbaceous tender plant. The native people of New Zealand also call it Maori spinach. Because of its succulent leaves, it is sporadically referred to as an ice plant. In spite of having similarity in name, it is entirely different from common spinach but used in the same way and is more resistant to bolting during the hot summer months as compared to regular spinach. It can be grown in tropical, subtropical, Mediterranean, or temperate climatic regions. It is a warm-season perennial often used as an excellent alternative to regular spinach since it thrives well in hot and dry conditions. It can be grown until frost in temperate areas and year-round in subtropical areas. Its flavor is very similar to common spinach with the same sharp taste but it does not get as bitter a taste.
New Zealand was similar to Spinach in terms of nutrition we get from it. It is the great source of Vitamin A, B1, B2, C, K, and mineral-like Iron, Calcium, Potassium, and Magnesium.
The young shoot and leaves of it are used as a vegetable either in raw form or cooked. Its edible leaves are used as a salad in Meat, Fish, Pork, or combined to make sauces, etc.
Its leaves are used for the cure of Cancer, r, Alzheimer’s, sleep disorders, macular degeneration, and several other degenerative diseases. Its leaves are rich in carotenoids, which reduce the damage caused by superoxides to the body. Its consumption regulates body metabolism, aids in digestion, prevents people suffering from constipation and itching, ulcers, and dryness of eyes due to vitamin A deficiency, and keeps the hair moisturized through increased sebum production.
The best temperature for it to get the maximum yield is 15 to 20 °c. Its plant grows more efficiently in low cold weather with having sunlight maximum for the whole day. The best soil temperature for it ranges from 10 to 25 °c. Partially shade in the dusk time make leaves grow more rapidly with good formation.
The soil with PH ranges from 6.8 - 7 is best for the maximum production of New Zealand Spinach. It grows well in coastal saline soil with a well drainage system that is suitable for higher yields.
First, the BED for the spinach is made by removing the weeds and the grass from the soil and choosing the well-drained soil having a good amount of sunlight with the fertile conditions.
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