How to grow Cauliflower

 A vegetable which belongs to the cruciferous family is Cauliflower. The cruciferous family also includes broccoli, cabbage, and Brussels sprouts. It is an excellent source of Vitamins C and K. we can eat it either cooked or raw but mostly cooked. We can also dry this to keep it for a longer time and later use it as a vegetable when there is a scarcity of vegetables. Its plants can be up to 60 cm in height. It can have a maximum weight of 3 kg.

1. Origin: It is believed to be originated in the eastern and was first cultivated in ancient Rome. Now it is available all over the world.

2. Soil Requirements: Since cauliflower needs good fertile soil to grow properly soil with a pH value of 6.0 to 6.8 is required. It requires moisture throughout its growing season so dry soil is not suitable for its cultivation. Proper irrigation and a sufficient amount of nutrients are required to get the best out of it.

3. Types: There are several types of cauliflower and they are separated by their curd and leaves colour. some of them are White cauliflower, Orange Cauliflower, Green cauliflower, Purple cauliflower etc.

4. Season to grow: It is best to cultivate in the winter season as it is a cool season plant but it can also grow in the summer season with proper care and cultivation time is different from place to place.

5. Composition: It is a low-calorie vegetable with low fat including a great source of nutrients.

  • Vitamins: C and K
  • Minerals: good source of potassium which helps with blood and metabolism
  • fibre: Great source of fibre and helps to maintain cholesterol 
  • antioxidant 
  • source of folate which is important for cell growth 

6. medicinal benefits: Cancer prevention, is good for heart health, good for digestive, best for brain health and there is a huge benefit of cauliflower.

7. Sowing time: It is a cold season vegetable and first of all the seed is cultivated in pots in indoors when the frost season is ending and the soil becomes warmer then it is transferred to the field. pH range of soil should be 6.0 - 6.8.

8. Irrigation: It needs to be watered a regular intervals, drip irrigation, and mulching can be used. we need to avoid watering in the curd of the cauliflower. and it is believed that if we put the urine of cattle then it will grow more.

9. Harvesting: There are several methods of cauliflower harvesting Hand harvester, mechanical harvester, self-propelled harvester etc.

10. yield: Yield of the cauliflower is depend upon how well it is cultivated and overall nourishment.If taken care properly then 10-15 tonnes per acre can be grown.

We can grow lots of cauliflower in a small place get the huge amount of economical benefits from it 

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